Apartment Churches

Apartment Church / Multi-Housing Churches provides an opportunity for Texas Baptists to minister to the ever-growing influx of new Texas residents. Whether economically disadvantaged or young professionals beginning employment in the state, this ministry opens the door for gospel conversations in apartment communities.

Bud's Texas Missions Story

Bud Houston is a Catalyst with Texas Baptists who trains, equips and provides opportunities for mission teams to take the gospel to residents in local apartments in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.

“I coach apartment missionary teams that are sharing the gospel, making disciples and planting organic churches in apartment complexes,” Houston said. 

This past year saw God’s blessing through a young woman and her daughter. Yolande, originally from Cameroon, was a recent graduate of Dallas Baptist University and had a heart to reach her apartment community with the gospel.

Yolande prayed faithfully and began to share her faith with others in her complex. Thanksgiving and Christmas provided opportunities to partner with a local church to provide gatherings to celebrate the holidays and share the gospel with neighbors.

As a result, over 30 youth and adults professed faith in Jesus.

God had worked all year in this apartment complex, and the ministry team witnessed the seeds that were planted take root.

Get Involved

Your church can be engaged in this ministry by identifying and prayer-walking apartment complexes in your community. As a church, pray about beginning an apartment ministry. Learn more at txb.org/housechurch.


See Week of Prayer stories.

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Prayer Requests

  • Pray for leadership to remain focused on evangelism as churches are added at a rate of 20% per year.
  • Pray that traditional churches would catch the vision of this emerging movement of God. Last year, new Church Starts saw 3,000 professions of faith.
  • Pray that there will be more gospel conversations with people living in apartments and that apartment management will allow common areas to be used for church starts.

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When you give ...

Will help an apartment pastor have a coffee with a person to share the gospel.
Will buy a pizza for an outreach event to the staff of the complex.
Will let the pastor attend a training event so that he can network and grow.

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