Christian Job Corps

The purpose of Christian Job Corps (CJC) is to equip men and women in a Christian context for life and employment providing mission opportunities through service in their community. Texas currently hosts 46 sites. CJC provides scholarships to CJC graduates and leaders for continuing education through the Becky Ellison Scholarship Endowment Fund.

Corey's Texas Missions Story

After a series of unfortunate events, Corey found himself at a crossroads. Sensing a divine calling deep within his heart, Corey stepped out in faith and contacted the Christian Men’s Job Corps (CMJC) in Lufkin, Texas.

What began as a plan to restart his life, soon provided a place to learn new skills, and experience support and growth that would transform his life. At CMJC, Corey found a community of kindred spirits, and individuals striving for spiritual growth and empowerment.

CMJC introduced him to a faith community of strong spiritual men. Corey’s love for learning not only opened doors to new employment opportunities, but also, life skills and a faith community that would challenge and encourage him.

Corey also walked away with a desire to give back. He had experienced the transformative power of CMJC and longed to be a beacon of hope for others.

Get Invovled

CJC sites across the state are primarily supported by local churches. Churches and WMU groups can volunteer in all capacities of the CJC ministries, including providing meals and support for graduation celebrations. Learn more at


See Week of Prayer stories.

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Prayer Requests

  • Pray that the needs of our sites are met. Needs include adequate funding, plentiful participants, servant-hearted volunteers, space to offer classes, and spiritual growth for participants, leaders, and volunteers.
  • Pray for the new sites and leaders.
  • Pray for the participants to hear and respond to the gospel message, follow in believer's baptism, and that God will transform their lives as they surrender to Him.

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When you give ...

Will purchase a Bible for a particpant.
Will cover the cost of workbooks and the High School Equivalency exam for one participant.
Will cover the cost of a national certificate training to help begin new sites.

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10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
